Our kind of production
There’s nothing wrong with being inspired. So we’ve decided to share with you some of the productions that we’ve recently enjoyed – or wish we’d been able to do! So you know the kind of thing that makes us tick…

Moominland Tales: The Life of Tove Jansson
Director/Producer – Eleanor Yule
Executive Producer – Franny Moyle
This superb documentary not only had us at Moomin (“Moominland Midwinter” still one of the best books ever read!) but for the way it used tilt-shift camera work to create a stunningly visual piece. Click here to go to the BBC page for this.

John Le Mesurier: It’s All Been rather Lovely
Presenter – Julian Rhind-Tutt
Participants – Ian Lavender, Clive Dunn, Michael Palin, Jimmy Perry, Joan Le Mesurier
Director/Producer – Lucy Kenwright
Executive Producer – Caroline Wright
Anything to do with “Dad’s Army” brings a lump to my throat – nostalgia for sure, but where would we be without the laughter these gentlemen gave to us? This superb documentary about ‘Sgt. Wilson’ told us so much we didn’t know and was a real treat.
Click here to go to the BBC page for this.

The Bridges That Built London with Dan Cruickshank
Presenter – Dan Cruickshank
Producer – David Wilson
Well there’s something about Dan Cruickshank that makes any subject interesting, but there is such a lot of history in London that few people know of – lost rivers for one, and now the way that bridges shaped London of today. Delightful!
Click here to go to the BBC page for this.